I was born and raised in Nashua. And after living all over America and traveling across 1,000 towns by foot, I came back here with my family to live.
Nashua is special. It’s the place where video games were born. It’s the location of the FAA. It’s a city that has been built on hard work, and I’m proud to call it “home.” As such, I would be completely honored to serve as one of your Board of Public Works Commissioners.
I pride myself on innovation, having led Apple projects for well over a decade in California, including Apple Pay. I believe I have the experience to offer solutions where there seems to be none through supporting extremely practical means to get work done. Anything we build for Nashua, whether it’s a road, power line, or new EV station, should be done with thought and care to the citizens of Nashua and the taxpayer dollars that fund much of this work.
I also believe in transparency. Innovation and transparency go hand in hand when you consider what we could do to keep everyone in Nashua informed of projects. For example, Nashua does communicate their 2023 projects for paving on their web site in the form of a map. You can clearly see what’s on the docket for 2023. But what if we were able to communicate the status of these projects in real-time so that people could get a snapshot of where their hard-earned taxpayer dollars are going? If I’m elected, I will explore this capability.

Finally, results matter. I recognize the high bar that the Greggs in Nashua have set, with Mayor Hugh Gregg (my great uncle) bringing in the Nashua Foundation to increase the presence of large businesses. I promise to be laser focused on results for the Board of Public Works, doing my best to ensure our lights are on, our roads are paved, and our sewers cleaned.